pobrane pdfTable of Contents - Issue no 40 (113) 2017

Adriana Sakowska
Diversification of sources of supply in the Polish energy resources as determinants of national energy security
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Michał Adam Chomczyk, Zbigniew Chomczyk
A model of a computerized information system based on the UML language as one of the elements of the environmental management system optimization fulfilling the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 14001:2015-09 standard, in the context of the business performance of an organization
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Magdalena Rzemieniak
Aspects of marketing communication in marketing 3.0
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Jacek Dziwulski, Wiesław Harasim
The systems of employee motivation and the management of human capital in an organization
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Katarzyna Czainska
Multicultural human resources as the subject of marketing strategies of Polish SMEs
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Krzysztof Grochowski, Daniel Zwierzchowski
The impact of managers’ knowledge on the scope of the implementation of strategic management in the SME – companies transport services example
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Izabela Petryczka
The use of information and communication technologies in enterprises of the logistics sector
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Iwona Mystkowska, Agata Grużewska, Krystyna Zarzecka, Marek Gugała, Alicja Baranowska, Marek Bącik
Profitability of highbush blueberry production
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Kinga Machowicz, Robert Tabaszewski
Conception of CSR as the Council of Europe soft law instrument
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Małgorzata Bednarczyk
The laws protecting pets in Poland 
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Michał Krawczyk
Operations of the Office for Religious Affairs to limit the social and canonical activity of the Church
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Stanisław Faliński
The path of the community of Gizałki to the European Flag of Honour. The best practice of a rural community in international cooperation
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Stanisław Faliński
The best practice of a rural community in effective international cooperation. The case of the community of Gizałk
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Ewa Multan
The problem-based learning method (PBL) in the teaching process at university
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